
Project Info




Sept 19, 2023






In the development of this comprehensive Garage Management Application, I aimed to provide a versatile platform for vehicle service management, catering to the needs of employees, managers, and administrators. Leveraging a full-stack approach, the project integrates React for the frontend, while incorporating graphs and charts for data visualization on the admin page.


The Full-Stack Garage Management Application represents a holistic solution for streamlining vehicle service operations, from order management to customer engagement and performance tracking. By leveraging React for the frontend, along with graphs and charts for data visualization on the admin page, the project delivers a user-friendly and data-driven platform tailored to the unique requirements of automotive service providers.

Explore the Full-Stack Garage Management Application , and experience firsthand the efficiency and insight-driven capabilities designed to optimize vehicle service operations.

Key Technologies Used:

  • React (Frontend): The frontend interface is developed using React, providing a responsive and interactive user experience. Components are modular and reusable, facilitating efficient development and maintenance.

  • Tailwind CSS: To achieve a modern and visually appealing design, I utilized Tailwind CSS. This utility-first framework streamlined the styling process, resulting in a polished and responsive user interface across devices.

  • Graphs and Charts Library: Data visualization components such as graphs and charts are integrated into the admin page using a library like Chart.js or D3.js. These visualizations enhance data interpretation and decision-making for administrators and managers.

  • Node.js and Express (Backend): The backend is powered by Node.js and Express, providing a robust server framework for handling data requests, authentication, and business logic implementation.

  • Database (MySQL ): A database system, such as MySQL , is utilized for storing and retrieving application data, including orders, services, customer information, and user credentials. Data integrity and security are maintained through proper database design and access controls.

  • CSS: The structure and styling of the application are crafted with clean and semantic HTML and CSS, contributing to the overall aesthetic and user experience.

Key Features:

  1. User Authentication and Role-Based Access Control: The application supports user authentication and implements role-based access control (RBAC) to ensure secure access to different sections based on user roles. Employees, managers, and administrators each have distinct privileges and functionalities tailored to their responsibilities.
  2. Dashboard with Graphs and Charts (Admin Page): The admin page features a comprehensive dashboard equipped with graphs and charts for visualizing key performance metrics. Data on orders, services, customer satisfaction, and employee productivity are presented in an intuitive and digestible format, aiding decision-making and performance analysis.
  3. Order Management: Employees can manage orders efficiently, tracking the progress of vehicle service requests from initiation to completion. Customers are notified of order status updates, ensuring transparency and timely communication throughout the service process.
  4. Service Catalog and Pricing: The application includes a service catalog with detailed descriptions and pricing for various vehicle maintenance and repair services. Customers can browse available services and select options that best suit their needs, facilitating streamlined service bookings.
  5. Customer Management: Customer information is stored securely, allowing employees to maintain detailed records of service history, preferences, and contact details. Personalized service recommendations and targeted marketing campaigns can be tailored based on customer profiles and preferences.
  6. Employee Performance Tracking: Managers have access to tools for monitoring employee performance, including productivity metrics, service completion rates, and customer satisfaction ratings. Insights gleaned from performance data enable managers to identify areas for improvement and optimize resource allocation.

Admin Page / Dashboard


Employee Page


Manager Page


order Page


Customer List Page


Employees List page


Service List Page


Employee's Assigned Page


Add order page


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Ousman Hedir

I thrive on tackling global development challenges, armed with my full-stack skills and a genuine passion for crafting beautiful and user-friendly websites. Excited to bring your digital vision to life!

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address Addis Abeba, Ethiopia
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