
Project Info




Sept 19, 2023






In the creation of this comprehensive Full-Stack Q&A Forum, I aimed to provide a robust platform for users to ask questions, share knowledge, and engage in meaningful discussions. The project seamlessly integrates both frontend and backend technologies to deliver a dynamic and user-friendly experience.


The Full-Stack Q&A Forum project represents the fusion of frontend and backend technologies to create a dynamic and collaborative space for knowledge sharing. The seamless integration of user authentication, real-time updates, and content organization ensures a user-friendly and engaging experience.

Explore the project here, and witness firsthand the seamless functionality and immersive user experience of this platform.

Key Technologies Used:

  • React: The project's frontend is built using React, providing a dynamic and efficient user interface. React's component-based architecture allowed for modular development, ensuring maintainability and scalability.

  • Node.js and Express (Backend): The backend is powered by Node.js and Express, handling data storage, retrieval, and user authentication. RESTful APIs ensure seamless communication between the frontend and backend.

  • Tailwind CSS: To achieve a modern and visually appealing design, I utilized Tailwind CSS. This utility-first framework streamlined the styling process, resulting in a polished and responsive user interface across devices.

  • Firebase: As the project's backend and database solution, Firebase offered real-time data synchronization and authentication capabilities. The Firestore database facilitated the storage and retrieval of product information, user data, and order details.

  • Other Technologies: The project also incorporates additional technologies such as Redux for state management, Firebase Authentication for secure user sign-in, and Cloud Functions for serverless backend logic.

Key Features:

  1. Product Listings: Users can browse a diverse range of products, each with detailed information and images.
  2. User Authentication: Secure user authentication ensures a personalized experience with features like saved questions and Answers.
  3. Real-Time Updates: Utilizing Firebase, the application provides real-time updates on product availability and order status.
  4. Responsive Design: The platform is designed to be fully responsive, ensuring a consistent and enjoyable user experience on various devices.

Log in Page


Home Page


Ask question page


Answer Page


Profile Page


Sign Up Page


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Ousman Hedir

I thrive on tackling global development challenges, armed with my full-stack skills and a genuine passion for crafting beautiful and user-friendly websites. Excited to bring your digital vision to life!

Let's have a chat!

address Addis Abeba, Ethiopia
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