
Project Info




july 19, 2023






In this ambitious project, I successfully replicated the iconic design of the Apple website using React, emphasizing a modular and responsive approach to capture the essence of Apple's user experience. Notably, the clone incorporates additional features, including the integration of YouTube videos through the API and the use of a movie database to filter and showcase movies.


The React-Based Apple Website Clone stands as a testament to my proficiency in React and CSS, delivering not only a faithful reproduction of the Apple website but also introducing innovative features like YouTube video integration and dynamic movie filtering.

Explore the React-Based Apple Website Clone [here] (insert link), and immerse yourself in the seamless navigation, captivating design, and interactive multimedia content reminiscent of the official Apple site.

Explore the project here, and witness firsthand the seamless functionality and immersive user experience of this Clone.

Key Technologies Used:

  • React: The project's frontend is built using React, providing a dynamic and efficient user interface. React's component-based architecture allowed for modular development, ensuring maintainability and scalability.

  • Tailwind CSS: To achieve a modern and visually appealing design, I utilized Tailwind CSS. This utility-first framework streamlined the styling process, resulting in a polished and responsive user interface across devices.

  • Animation and Transition Effects: Attention to detail is paramount, with subtle animation and transition effects enhancing the overall user experience. These details, inspired by Apple's design philosophy, contribute to a polished and sophisticated feel.

  • YouTube Video Integration: One standout feature is the integration of YouTube videos through the API. This addition allows users to experience dynamic and engaging multimedia content seamlessly within the cloned Apple website.

  • Responsive Design: Prioritizing a seamless user experience, the clone boasts a fully responsive design. Employing Flexbox, media queries, and grid layout systems, the project adapts effortlessly to various screen sizes, adhering to Apple's commitment to accessibility.

Key Features:

  1. Product Listings: Users can browse a diverse range of products, each with detailed information and images.
  2. User Authentication: Secure user authentication ensures a personalized experience with features like saved carts and order history.
  3. Real-Time Updates: Utilizing Firebase, the application provides real-time updates on product availability and order status.
  4. Responsive Design: The platform is designed to be fully responsive, ensuring a consistent and enjoyable user experience on various devices.
  5. Secure Payments: Integrated Stripe ensures that transactions are secure, supporting major credit cards and other payment methods.

Product Page


Release Product


New Movies


Product Detail






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Ousman Hedir

I thrive on tackling global development challenges, armed with my full-stack skills and a genuine passion for crafting beautiful and user-friendly websites. Excited to bring your digital vision to life!

Let's have a chat!

address Addis Abeba, Ethiopia
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