
Hello! I'm Ousman Hedir, a Full Stack Web Developer based in Addis Ababa.
My expertise lies in addressing global development challenges, utilizing my comprehensive full-stack skills.
I'm genuinely passionate about creating visually stunning and user-friendly websites. If you have a digital vision that you're eager to bring to life, let's connect! I'm excited to have a chat and explore how we can turn your ideas into a compelling online reality.

Looking forward to our conversation!


My Skills

I have skills as a results-driven full-stack web developer, proficient in the MERN stack and MySQL. From MongoDB and Express.js to React.js and Node.js,

I specialize in crafting user-friendly web solutions. My passion lies in leveraging the latest frameworks, particularly favoring React, to create dynamic and engaging user interfaces. With expertise in MySQL,

I ensure robust database design and seamless integration, delivering impactful and cutting-edge solutions in the dynamic field of full-stack development.


Personal Info

I'm Ousman Hedir, a versatile professional with a background in Mechanical Engineering and an MBA. As a Web Developer, I specialize in creating user-friendly solutions, conducting valuable research, and delivering digital services. My commitment to staying updated with the latest trends ensures impactful results in the ever-evolving tech landscape.


My Education

I began my educational journey with a Bachelor's in Mechanical Engineering from Adama Science and Technology University, Ethiopia (2016-2021). Building on this foundation, I pursued an MBA at Harambee University, Ethiopia (2021-2023). Currently, I'm furthering my skills in Full Stack Web Development at Evangadi Tech Bootcamp, USA (2016-2023). This diverse academic background equips me with a unique blend of engineering, business, and web development expertise.


Full Stack Web Development

Evangadi Tech Bootcamp, USA



Harambee University, Ethiopia


Mechanical Engineering

Adama Science and Technology University, Ethiopia

Complete Project

Look at my portfolio and give me your feedback

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Services That i Provide

My special service for your business development


Web Development

I specialize in end-to-end web development, including custom applications, database design, and full-stack solutions. Expert in crafting dynamic interfaces with React, I optimize code and offer personalized tech stack consultations for each project's unique needs.

I specialize in business branding and research, crafting compelling brand identities and conducting in-depth market research. Elevate your brand with strategic insights and impactful branding solutions.

UI/UX Design

Web UI/UX Design

I specialize in UI/UX design, creating visually stunning and intuitive user experiences. Elevate your digital presence with designs that captivate and engage users.

SEO Analytics

Digital Marketing

I provide top-tier digital marketing and SEO services, optimizing online visibility and driving results. Specializing in strategic SEO and targeted campaigns, I boost your brand's online performance for maximum impact.

Working Process

Your dream website in just few steps


In this stage, I clarify project goals and user needs through teamwork, setting the stage for a focused development process in line with the project's vision

  • Reviewing any existing branding
  • Target audience and competitors research
  • Developing a strategy


In the design phase, I turn ideas into attractive UI/UX elements, using wireframing and prototyping to strike a balance between looks and functionality for an easy-to-use experience.

  • Developing wireframes and mockup
  • Choosing typography, color palettes,
  • Refining the design


In the Webflow phase, I bring designs to life with responsive and interactive elements for a seamless user experience on different devices.

  • Testing the website thoroughly launch
  • Choosing typography, color palettes,
  • Refining the design

Happy Words From Happy Customer

Ousman's outstanding performance in our boot camp reflects dedication and impressive progress. his proactive, fearless approach and strong teamwork skills stand out. his passion for web development and commitment to growth are clear, instilling confidence in his bright future. 👍

Aduga Bekele

ceo At Evangadi Tech

Ousman transformed my vision into a professional and visually appealing website. his patience and accommodation throughout the process were exceptional. I highly recommend them to anyone seeking a web developer👍

Seid Abubeker

Business Owner

Ousman's standout performance in our boot camp has been truly impressive. As his trainer, I've witnessed his proactive and fearless approach, coupled with strong teamwork skills. Ousman's passion for web development and unwavering commitment to growth are evident, making him a standout learner with a promising future. 👍

Biruk nahom

Trainer at Evangadi

Let's Start Something

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  • Let's Start Something
Ousman Hedir

I thrive on tackling global development challenges, armed with my full-stack skills and a genuine passion for crafting beautiful and user-friendly websites. Excited to bring your digital vision to life!

Let's have a chat!

address Addis Abeba, Ethiopia
Let's Talk